Application for virtual university students

I beg to say that due to  load shedding and Hot days of the  month of May and Election campaigns workings   and election campaign Noise in our societies .
We all could not read the subjects in time of 25 may paper   but university reduced 2  days from 27   may of mid term  to 25 may is selected for Midterm.

And also for final term exam there are only 40 days given to us  from 10 June to 20 July which is impossible to study in the credit hours requirement.
         Please, delay the exam that at least 5 days or a week for midterm and adjust final term exam days according to the requirement of our study which is 52 days or more instead of 40 days only..
I will be grateful to you for this favor.
Yours obediently,
Student Id
Student Name

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