CS506- Web Design and Development

Assignment No. 04
SEMESTER Spring 2013
CS506- Web Design and Development
Total Marks: 20

Due Date: 28/06/2013
Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

  • The assignment is submitted after due date.
  • The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt.
  • The assignment is full or partially copied from (other student or ditto copy from handouts or internet).
  • Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment File or name of file is other than student ID.
  • The assignment is not submitted .java format.

Uploading instructions

Your submission must include:

  1. All the source code (.java files), html files and xml file and other necessary files to compile and run your program.
  2. Place all the files in a Zip file and Upload it on VULMS.


The objective of this assignment is

  • To give you some practice exercise of web based application (Java Servlets) using Notepad.

Important Requirements and Instructions:

  1. You are not allowed to use any IDE tool like Netbeans in this assignment.
  2. Assignment due date is June 28, 2013.
  3. We will not accept assignment through email in any case. Be Careful

Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 24-30
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 28/06/2013.

For any query about the assignment, contact at cs506@vu.edu.pk

HRM is the management of employees within an organization. At present stage all the Human Resource (HR) work for JS Group of Industries is managing manually. Each time to change employee information, the manager needs to update the record manually in different locations/ places, which is a tedious job for the HR manager and prone to errors.

As in the previous assignments we are develop a desktop based application for the GS Group of Industries. Now we are switching our context from the desktop based application to web based application.

In this assignment we are going to develop a web based application for the HR manager of JS Group of Industries.

Solution Guideline

  1. First of all set the directory structure for Apache tomcat
  2. You have to create “Index.html” contains 3 links i.e. Home, Personal Information and Contact Information
  3. Then create “Personal Information.html” file and “Contact Inofrmation.html” file
  4. After the creation of html files you are required to write Java servlet code.
  5. In java servlet code you have to write the java code that reads entered data from “form” and save it in database tablesand also display the entered data on the screen.
  6. Personal Information form data will be saved in “PersonalInfo” table and Contact Information form data will be stored in “ContactInfo” table of “Employee” database respectively.
  7. Only use the template database provided with the assignment file. Make sure that there will be no modification in thedatabase table or fields name.

Following Directory structure for Apache tomcat will be used:


  • Place all the .java files in “Java files” folder.
  • Place all the “.class files” in “classes” folder; which is sub folder of WEB-INF folder
  • Develop the layout of website in html (as show in sample output)
  • Your Apache tomcat must be installed in a Drive C as a root folder
  • Use Notepad or Notepad++ for coding
  • Tomcat installation guidelines kindly consult handouts and lectures

  • Snapshots of the desired solution are given in the following pages

Sample Output:


When user visit the main page:


When user click on Personal Information:

When user fill the form


After filling the form, when user click on “submit” button then all the entered values in the form will be saved in “PersonalInfo” table of “Employee” database. And database table looks like:

When user click on “Contact Information”, then:

User will fill the form

When user click on submit button then:
All the entered values in the form will be saved in database table “ContactInfo”.
Then database looks like:

Note: Your code must justify enough for 20 marks.

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