PTCL Campaigns for Be Broadband, Be Pakistani

PTCL Campaigns for Be Broadband, Be Pakistani

Pakistan Independence day has just passed with lots of celebrations and the hope gleaming in the stare of our country’s triumphant future. Likewise all sectors, telecom sector participated actively to transmit their preeminent message to the nation along with celebrations.

While celebrating Independence Day, we also witnessed the PTCL Broadband campaign “Be Broadband, Be Pakistani”. The campaign has enthusiastic theme overall and has made the whole nation jiggling and humming with its “Zindagi Chalti Jaye” song.

The campaign has outshined almost across all forms of media, TV, Outdoor, Print and Social.

So to start off, why it’s named as “Be Broadband, Be Pakistani”? Just because it launched on Independence Day, absolutely not! Simply it would be right to say it’s named because we are a Proud Nation!

This time, under the campaign theme there is a sleek touch of patriotism, Pakistan Telecommunication Limited has given a keen insight that how the ease of access to information has helped in improving the World around us; we crave & need information to survive in this digital age and how broadband deployment affect our lives around us.

The rousing song is aimed at fuelling the energy in the Nation, explicitly the youth. The lyrics of the Song are immensely motivating, they inscribe what our Nation was build upon and what all of us truly yearn to achieve in our lives. The Track illustrates the different uses and advantages, a Broadband connection can bring to someone`s life.
The Song has been given stunningly fluent mixture of avant-garde instrumentation and subversions of high beats meaning to depict all stimulations and enthusiasm. Apart from this zeal, PTCL has composed its nodes melodiously with momentous poetic sense.

It has created a distinct and inspiring media mix by keeping the balance between the factors of motivation, inspiration, enjoyment and interaction for its listeners and viewers, leading to boost up the passion and the vigor among the masses.

The Song “Zindagi Chalti Jaye” is stimulating youth of Pakistan to set their dreams high and do not be afraid to chase them. The song spot light on the importance of girl’s education and the need of their role for the development of Pakistan.

Launching this campaign on the prestigious occasion of Independence Day 14th August, PTCL has brought out the upbeat message, “be a dreamer”, encouraging all Pakistanis to have high ambitions and be a self believer, then it adds into the message for empowering our dreams with the perfect force of unity when it says “a dream you dream together is reality”.

“Be the One, Be the Change” excites the nation and especially youth to play an important role for the development of Pakistan and to stand out among the crowd. “Be Broadband” means us to be connected and be informed with the latest information and knowledge from across the world for achieving a distinctive success in any field. “Keep Connected, Keep Celebrating” is the absolute truth that real happiness can only be felt among the participating team and it needs to be connected through the whole process. If there is no connection, there is no team.
Under this campaign’s perspective, from beginning to the end, it could be easily witnessed how broadband have been affecting lives of the Nation explicitly youth to larger extent. From school kids to the elderly, a household person to a professional man, a farmer to a scientist and even rural areas are enjoying broadband in their daily routines, paving their way to success streams, along with the entertainment chunks.
Another visible perception behind this idea is to position rural advocacy organizations as a strong voice for positive change in national Internet and broadband aspects.
With this buzzing campaign, PTCL did not only quote cities and their residents but also has highlighted support to rural broadband access, the relationship of broadband access and entrepreneurial development and economics leading to numerous opportunities. Broadband is now serving as the source material for creating tools for organizational activities and tailoring on scale drastic rural concerns.
Ending on a high note, the campaign pulls all the right strings and compels us to believe that PTCL Broadband has truly changed our lives for the better.
Through this highly conceptual and enthusiastically passionate campaign on Pakistan Independence Day, PTCL has apparently been successful in setting the perception among viewers and listeners of campaign theme song “Zindagi Chalti Jaye” and other adverts that PTCL being a national organization is devout in its ambitions and committed to retain its standing at the fore front of providing latest technology solutions to the Nation Pakistan, with more reliability, innovations and customizations.

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